As per request, here is how to create your star wars 2020 character via point-buy rather than
random generator.
1. Ability Scores
- Distribute 48 points between the ability scores Int, Ref, Tech, Cool, Emp, Luck, Body, Force (maximum 10, minimum 2)
- MA=8
- Run=MA*3
- Leap=Run/4
- Lift(Kg)=40*BODY
- Save=Body
- BTM=IF(BODY<=2,0,IF(BODY<=4,-1,IF(BODY<=7,-2,IF(BODY<=9,-3,-4))))
2. Species
- Pick a species
- Apply the ability modifiers for your species
Races | INT | BODY | REF | EMP | MA |
Human | | | | | |
Wookie | -1 | 1 | | 1 | -1 |
Ewok | -1 | -2 | 1 | 1 | -2 |
Gammorian | -2 | 2 | | -1 | |
Twi'lek | | | -1 | 1 | |
Ithorian | 1 | | -1 | | -1 |
Mon Calamari | | | | | |
Gran | | | | | |
3. Skills
- You get 40+INT+REF skill points
- Assign them to skills(max 10)
Endurance | Interrogate | Sentient Perception | Accounting | Archery | Hover Tech | Force Jump |
Strength Feat | Intimidate | Interview | Xenoanthropology | Athletics | Basic Tech | Mind Trick |
Swimming | Oratory | Leadership | Awareness/Notice | Brawling | Computer Tech | Phase |
| Resist Torture/Drugs | Perform | Biology | Dance | Demolitions | Telekinesis |
| Streetwise | Persuasion/Fast Talk | Botany | Dodge/Escape | Disguise | Read Mind |
| | Riding(Bantha) | Chemistry | Fencing | Droid Tech | Force Healing |
| | Riding(Bolotaur) | Composition | Handgun | Electronics | Reflex Boost |
| | Riding(Keffi) | Diagnose Illness | Heavy Weapons | First Aid/Medical | |
| | Riding(Tauntaun) | Education & Gen. Knowlege | Martial Arts | Hacking | |
| | Riding(Eopie) | Gamble | Melee | Paint/Draw | |
| | Riding(Dewback) | Geology | Operate Heavy Machinery | Pharmaceuticals | |
| | Seduction | Hide/Evade | Pilot(StarFighter) | Photography | |
| | Social | History | Drive(Hoverbike) | Pick Lock | |
| | | Language(by species/native world) | Drive(Hovercar) | Pick Pocket | |
| | | Language(Basic) | Pilot(Starship) | Play Instrument(pick one) | |
| | | Library Search | Rifle | Hyperdrive Tech | |
| | | Mathematics | Stealth | Weaponsmith | |
| | | Navigation(Interstellar) | Turret Gunner | Starship Engine Tech | |
| | | Physics | Climbing | Energy Weapon Tech | |
| | | Shadow/Track | Diving | Communications Tech | |
| | | Stock Market | | | |
| | | Teaching |
| | |
| | | Wilderness Survival | | | |
| | | Zoology | | | |

4. Equipment
- You get 1d10 Galactic Credits
- cloth shoes(worn out), dusty poncho, sand mask
- 4 items from this list
Sledge |
Bantha |
Blaster pistol |
Blaster rifle |
Bolotaur |
Brass bracelets |
Camera |
Cutting torch |
Dancing shoes |
Dewback |
Diving aparatus |
Eopie |
Hand weapon(choose) |
Heavy Plasteel Knife 1d6 |
Hip Flask |
Infrared binoculars |
Keffi |
Light spear gun 1d6+1 |
Lockpicks |
Longbow 50m, 12 Arrows 2d6+1 |
Medikitx5 |
Metal Detector |
Motorized climbing rig |
Musical Instrument(as per skill) |
Old Hoverbike |
Old Hovercar |
Pack of Sabacc Cards |
Pain killers |
pick item of Native dress |
Plasteel Sword 2d6+2, sheath |
Portable Chemical Analyzer |
Portable excavator |
Portable Gene Sequencer |
Sketchpad, Pencils |
Small computer terminal |
Small Electronics Kit |
Small hacker's terminal |
Small tool kit |
Salvaged Droid(choose Astromech, Medical,
or Protocol) |
Tatoo |
Tauntaun |
Thermal Detonator 7/9d6 |
Uppers |
Water Bottle |
Wearable light |
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