Wednesday 4 April 2018

Rude Awakening

The Rude Awakening is an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate belonging to the planetary government of Nodgra V, under Admiral Rigell. The planet is home to Imperial survivors who lived through the fall of the Galactic Empire. Rude Awakening is that planet's largest military ship and is generally kept in reserve for defensive needs. It is captained by Captain Farah Atari.

It has a crew of 920 and typically carries:
  • 10 Tie Fighters
  • 4 Tie Fighter/fo
  • 2 Tie Fighter/sf
  • 4 Tie Bombers
  • 4 Shuttles
  • 75 troops

The ships stats are as follows:
  • Speed: 40MGLT
  • Hyperdrive: 2(12)
  • Hull: 448RU
  • Shields: 900SBD
  • Tractor Beam Projectors(2)
  • Armaments:
    • Turbolaser batteries(12)
    • Laser cannons(12)

Captain Farah Atari

Captain Atari is strict, by-the-book officer whose intelligence and reliability have earned her the highest command in Nodgra's military.

  • Ref: 4
  • Int: 8
  • Body: 4
  • Tech: 2
  • Cool: 7
  • Emp: 9
  • Force: 0
  • Interrogate: 5
  • Oratory: 7
  • Leadership: 3
  • Social: 4
  • Education & Gen. Knowlege: 4
  • Navigation(Interstellar): 7
  • Dodge/escape: 1
  • Handgun: 2
  • Pilot(Starship): 7

How will the Rude Awakening react to a First Order Dreadnought entering it's system? Guess we'll just have to wait and see...


  1. Nice! I like that you provide some context, history and lots of role-playing hooks.

    1. Yeah, things are going to start heating up in Airam Sector! I'm running this as a sandbox, so these various Ships/NPCs in the previous posts all have their missions within the sector. We'll see how the party chooses to interact with them...
